Tuesday 6 December 2011

Charcoal Art.

It's been a while since I last posted on this blog and there's a lot to share. Let's start with this charcoal piece: a flashlight and some batteries that I did some time ago.
This flashlight was significantly more difficult to draw than I'd anticipated. I totally forgot that drawing a line down the centre would have helped with symmetry. I won't make the same mistake twice!
The batteries were easy. Nothing spectacular. A combination of charcoal sticks (the soft, messy ones) and a charcoal pencil (hard) were used. I don't remember the kind of paper this is...oopsie.
Charcoal is a wonderful medium but very messy. It is also sure to show up any splits or cracks you may have in your fingernails and isn't always easy to wash out. If you get any stray charcoal fingerprints on your artwork, remember you can always use a kneaded eraser to clean up.
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Wai Li

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